Methodology Engineering

Systematic analysis and redesign of organizational procedures, policies and business actions through technical solutions implemented by stakeholders.

Engineering for Building

All engineering begins with conversation

Companies hire electrical engineers to design electrical and power delivery systems, mechanical engineers to design machine parts and architectural engineers to assess and certify buildings and blueprints. But who creates and maintains your most fundamental corporate system—your business methodologies?

Despite the name, most organizations aren’t that interested in how they are organized. The chef opens a restaurant because he likes to cook, not coordinate the foodstuff delivery or analyze waitstaff workflow. The young lawyer starts her own practice because she loves helping others through her legal expertise, not because she enjoys document management and revision. The civil servant works tirelessly to benefit their community, usually in spite of the bureaucratic hassles of the office. Engineering is application of science and technology to design and build complex, useful systems. Methodology Engineering refines this endeavor to study the minutiae of everyday work and the output in the larger organization.

Engineering for Refining

Most business operations already exist. We live in a “ready, fire, aim” culture, where moving quickly is often valued above forethought and caution. Engineering work on an existing system requires careful analysis and redesign, so that the improvements can be enacted with minimal downtime or delays. Slaughter Development provides methodology engineering on both new and existing processes, so your business can grow in new directions while improving current operations.

Engineering for Success

Organizational success is not measured just by profit margins or constituent service metrics, but by the satisfaction of stakeholders with work. There are three key groups at play:

  • Owners and managers must be confident that the work being completed under their direction meets or exceeds all requirements for productivity and quality
  • Customers must be pleased that work results—either as a tangible product or provisioned service—fulfills their needs at a reasonable price and useful schedule
  • Employees must feel their efforts, intelligence, creativity and dedication are not only valued, but directly contribute to their own success and the success of the organization

Methodology Engineering with Slaughter Development

At Slaughter Development, our focus is to provide methodology engineering services for clients who are ready to improve existing organizational processes or expand into new areas. Changing the way you do business requires the most difficult of all human activity: change. Contact Slaughter Development today to discuss how methodology engineering can change your future.

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